Wednesday, December 26, 2007


The "Shose" store!, originally uploaded by brandknewme.

Some of the spelling errors you see are purely mistakes, but sometimes you just have to think if they do it on purpose. Anyhow, English speakers will stumble on some tasty mistakes.

Singing politician

Mr. Ma is such a lovable character, it is beyond my comprehension where he gets all his positive energy. If this man is elected as the president of Taiwan, then a new age is coming upon the island.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Classic painting

Chinese history has long tradition. This photograph has been taken during year 2007. It shows clearly the visual legacy of Chinese painters.

Taiwan flag

Taipei 101, originally uploaded by Eric Nicholas.

Taiwan has a long-standing quarrel with mainland China. China claims Taiwan as part of the country, while Taiwan firmly states to be a separate island. Displaying the Taiwan flag always brings up a tension between the straits.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Tamed nature

Bridge, originally uploaded by CW Images.

Taiwan is full of beautiful sceneries, but for some they might be overly developed. You see, Taiwanese like to get inside the painting, they do not settle for mere glance, therefore bridges, trails, cable trams, stairs and roads lead right into the middle of the beauty. Is it pristine nature then?

Old man and the sea

lonely fishman, originally uploaded by Petit Ming.

Ocean is not far no matter where you are in Taiwan. Easy access to water makes fishing a popular pastime.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Colourful design tradition

新埔義民廟, originally uploaded by lancelote.

Chinese culture is full of shapes and colours, temples are the best place to see traditional architecture.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Not quite China?

DSC_0655, originally uploaded by Joe Turner Lin.

This image, the massive attack of colours and noise, is what many think of when thinking of Asia at night. Taiwan is part of Asia, but is it part of China?


, originally uploaded by Lainmoon.

Take a step or two from that main road and instead of shopping centers you will see this.

Paragliders in Taiwan

Trip Around Taiwan 012, originally uploaded by amyliagrace.

Every island has lots of wind and Taiwan is not an exception. Taiwan also has lots of mountains, which creates perfect conditions for paragliders.

Jungle attack

Banyan wall - 2, originally uploaded by Forever28.

Taiwanese plants can be quite aggressive. Remember to treat them well, otherwise they just might get mad.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Taiwan beautiful island

07_1208_090107, originally uploaded by halo_lin.

You probably think that this picture is from some paradise island, eh? Well, Taiwan is one, you better remember that.

Magical forest

DSC_6867, originally uploaded by king.f.

Although hidious buildings have conquered most of the flat land from forests, there are still some magnificent old forest on mountain slopes, which are too difficult for man to crop.

Angel of Taipei

2007-11-14_Tai_TPE_044, originally uploaded by Street Hound.

Taipei's bustling streets offer masses to look at.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Barista Coffee

Even in Taiwan, Starbucks has set the bar for visual appearances for coffee shops.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Hiking in Taiwan

2007-11-30DSC_1012, originally uploaded by michaelki2006.

Lots of mountains and lots of park trails result into lots of steps.


Taipei, originally uploaded by ChihPing.

It's always those magnificent buildings and sights that we see in photographs, but this is how Taipei really looks like. And when you get on your feet and start walking the streets of Taipei, this city really comes under your skin.

Taroko National Park

Shakadang Cliffside Trail, originally uploaded by Danburg Murmur.

Those tiny streams have sculpted mountains into what Taroko is today. We see beauty, but water only knows a barrier.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

7 Eleven Taiwan

Melody 的7-11 20071203, originally uploaded by juyin.

Oh, this is such a common sight in Taiwan, especially in Taipei. Just walk to any street corner and chances are you find it. Handy place to shop some refreshments and public transportation debit cards along sightseeing.

National sport

961201_ABC_023, originally uploaded by Bergi @ Tainan.

Strange how many baseball stadiums and fields Taiwan has. Mountains and skyrises everywhere plus these baseball areas. I am also constantly amazed how crowded these avenues are. It is official, baseball is Taiwan's national sport.


DSC_8650, originally uploaded by airdreamer_x.

Everywhere in Taiwan you are in danger to stumble upon electrical wires of some sorts. Strangely enough, when you spend few days on the island, you are not bothered by any wires at all.


DSC_0444, originally uploaded by Bcl2.

You will see various kinds of pots smoking all over Taiwan. Fire and smoke are the media to afterlife whether it is money or wishes that you want to send there.

Royal profile

P1010879, originally uploaded by Casharinna.

Can you find the royalty in this picture? It is the main attraction at this nature sightseeing spot.

West Gate

fDSC03253, originally uploaded by genotypewriting.

XiMen is a popular hang out place for teenagers and some other agers too. Lots of small eats, shops and activities take place here. You can get there conveniently by MRT (local term for metro).

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Blue white wedding

DSC_7678.jpg, originally uploaded by Nihilist_Aquarius.

Wedding industry is huge in Taiwan. Wedding picture albums are a big part of the business. Here is a popular background for wedding pictures.


IMGP3517, originally uploaded by rulian0126.

It is hard to find ice in Taiwan, because the island is situated so south. However, if you see some trouble, you can see ice.

Taiwan Giants

morning, originally uploaded by Gootle 光與影的追逐.

As you can see, Taiwan is an island of giants.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Milk tea

milk tea, originally uploaded by noshowerfamily.

Milk tea is a special delicacy of Taiwan. You can get it in almost any flavour imaginable, warm or cold, and in just about any size. It is a combination of flavours, tea, milk and a small snack.

Those black bits on a bottom are chewy lumps that sparkle your drinking experience. First time you probably spend while wondering the mixture of tastes and senses, but then you will fall in love with it. Fantastic!